Our first tale starts on a Thursday afternoon, when James, Jacob and I joined a group of our friends at the Shangri-la hotel for a weekend of fun and frolics. It was fabulous. The children all played together in the little pool, we had numerous trips down the "crazy river" which should really be the lazy river - but who is going to argue with three toddlers about semantics ! All the maids came down for the evening and we had an absolutely delicious meal with plenty of beverages and a great deal of fun. The next day was spent mainly round the pool - we never even made it onto the beach to check out the watersports as we were having so much fun in the pool because this was the weekend that Jacob learned to swim - yippeeeee. We've been trying to persuade him for ages that he can do it, but no he wasn't having any of it - so, this weekend there was a little girl swimming in the pool, who was no more than 18 months old - Jacob thought - if she can do it so can I and off he went. Since then we haven't been able to stop him and it's taking some persuading to get him to come up for air ! As a reward for this great achievement he received a brand new pair of speedo goggles, which have reflective lenses, just like his daddy's glasses, and he's mad about them. I'm so glad that he has started to swim, it's lovely to be able to take him in the pool and just let him go - he's not a great swimmer yet, but it won't be long until he's joining the Olympic team I'm sure !
Our second tale - involves a rather noisey event - we went to see Status Quo ! What a laugh - we had such a fab time, it was amazing. Neither James or I had been to a concert in years and it was such fun to just let our hair down - well I've got hair to let down James' is obviously metaphorical ! I got to meet the band before the concert began which was hysterical - who knew that they were so old and frail - I even managed to get their autogrpahs ! Look look

We went with a group of friends who had an absolute rip roaring time - well actually they didn't move from the edge of the crowd and refused to dance all night !!! I ask you - what is the point of going to a concert and refusing to dance ? I could have recorded it for you girls and given you a cd of it afterwards - saved you a bit of money !!! Well here they are - "enjoying themselves"

To be fair - it was exceptionally hot and I think I lost about 10 litres of sweat that night - I know James did - we looked wrecked when we got home - I think Selina must have wondered what on earth we had been doing - we went out looking quite respectable !! Anyway it was a great laugh and I really really enjoyed it.
We have also found a new and fabulous tailor - James has been persuaded to have a white short sleeved shirt made - so much more sensible that long sleeves in this weather and it only cost 8OR including fabric (about £12) - it was a direct copy of a shirt he already has, but with short sleeves instead of long and he is going to get several more made now. I have had lots of things made all for ridiculously low prices and all of course make me look gorgeous ! There are a wonderful selection of fabrics here in Ruwi - which is an Indian area, so lots of gorgeous sari fabrics as well as lovely liberty print cottons and loads of linen. I just need to find something I can have copied thos liberty prints - I love them.
Right - I'm not going to witter on any more in case I don't get finished a then don't post this ! I'll love you and leave you and those of you in the UK Jacob and I will see you soon !! Yeah - how exciting - apart from the plane part of course - but I can't walk so it will have to do !
Ta ta