Sunday, January 31, 2010

Taking the Mickey?

Given that Oman Air had a really calamatous training exercise last November(see Muscat Mutterings and Muscat Confidential), do you thihk that the person in charge of advertising at Muscat City Centre was having a laugh, or are they really that blind?


muscateeress said...

OMG, that is brilliant!!! Only in Oman lololol

muscateeress said...

Actually, come to think of it....maybe the ad was funded by Oman way to frighten off the opposition!!

Anonymous said...

The Ad should have placed on the other side, with the plane soaring high. The Ad Manager might have thought about public audience before the ad placement.

So now 100% people see Turkish airlines and also they see the Turkish Flight go down.

Media adolescence.

Oman Collective Intelligence said...


Anonymous said...

To my best knowledge it is Zeenah work.. :)

James said...

The ad is on the other side as well, but that side is only obvious from inside the shop and it is in the opposite direction. ie. taking off

Muscato said...

This reminds me strongly of the days when I was living in West Africa and the national carrier's theme song was "I Believe I Can Fly."

Not the thing I want running through my head when an aging and decrepit Tupolev is taking me hundreds of miles from the nearest emergency room...

Sythe said...

Your picture made it onto the failblog.... but they didn't credit you.

James said...

Thanks Sythe for the heads up, I am now credited on Failblog, interesting to see how many people thought it was a photoshop fake!

Stimulus said...

LOL That's hilarious!

I think they were just blind. I hope Turkish airlines don't sue!

Teagan Warren said...

Hello nice blog.