Today was Jacob's first day of nursery and it was a resounding a success.
I woke him at 7.00am - which is very early for him - with some chocolate milk and a honey sandwich and he was so happy to be up and ready to face the day, we quickly did the necessary ablutions and made it to nursery by 7.45am if you can believe it. He was dying to get playing with the other children and when I said "I'm going now sweetie" he said "OK Bye Mummy" and went off and played. I went back to the house and felt at a loss for a while and then went and had a swim.
I went to pick Jacob up at 12.00 and he was really happy, he'd had a fabulous time and was on a real high. We went home and had some lunch and then he played with his new friend here, following which he went for a nap and promptly fell out of bed ! He's ok - no harm done, but we have now moved his bed against the wall so it won't happen again.
We've just been out for a lovely meal where a band was playing and Jacob got asked to dance by a little Australian girl who was very pretty - of course typical man - he turned her down !
A nice day for sure.
fab..so pleased youve found a nursery & Jacob loves it..i keep checking the blog for news...its so cool! Jack was amazed to see you guys on screen..however if im honest he reconised you 1st then Jacob!!! PS hope you are feeling alot better after your poorly start
so glad it's going well!!!
Hi Becky - sounds like it's going OK now you've got over being so poorly - Jacob looks great setting off for nursery.
Oh, and _please_ ignore this if you don't want to do it, but I've tagged you.
Wow Becky - I've been totally out of touch in the blogging world as my life has been a little hectic of late - and here you are - or rather there you are - moved and settling in! I've just spend an enjoyable 10 minutes reading your new ex-pat blog! And whilst trying not to turn too green with envy at the talk of sun (what's that?) and swimming pools, could relate to the weirdness of discovery regular shops somewhere you are not expecting. The same happened in Moscow many moons ago when I lived out there for 6 months!
Anyway it all sounds great (apart from the sore throat) and I'm glad you are settling into your new life. If you get desperate for some stash enhancement I'll happily shop on your behalf and send it out if no one else (relatives etc.) can do so.
Have fun and Happy Xmas
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